Tuesday, September 9, 2014


9/8 7pm:  PINOT & AUGUSTINE Mark Jaster and Sabrina Mandell, Performers
The show description in the festival brochure is spot on. I would add that the performers are proficient clowns, highly skilled in physical comedy. Their relationship is clear, and beautifully interdependent, expressing their dreams of greatness. There is rivalry, role-reversal, creative problem-solving, cheating, mischief and stupidity. Each and every task is given proper importance, raising the stakes. The audience loves when Pinot, the boss clown, is knocked off his self-important pedestal by forces beyond his control (Augustine, the audience, and his own stupidity), and Augustine, admirably devoted to her service, gives in to her rebellious tendencies. They have accomplished a difficult task: a fully-realized, well-executed clown show. Without spoiling anything, there is a musical duet that is sweet, heartfelt, and makes a lovely theatrical picture. I was moved by its simplicity. It gave the audience an opportunity to sit back and enjoy a quiet moment. Audiences need those moments to breathe and absorb, as much as the performers need them. I have seen many clown shows that move at such a high energy level without breaks in rhythm, that it can be exhausting for the audience. This is pure, funny, and successful clowning.

See it Wednesday,September 10th, 7pm

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